Food so good, it'll make you say "O Ya!"

Have you ever searched for a specific type of cuisine on Yelp and thought, "I really like these places with $$ or $$$, are the $$$$ ones even worth it?" In the case of this sushi restaurant in Boston's financial district, the answer was a definite "O Ya!" This is the perfect restaurant for any special occasions and celebrations, whether it be a birthday, anniversary, or just a Friday.


TL;DR: Mind blowing chef's choice dinner with great service at a restaurant hidden away in an alley, definitely would recommend especially for special occasions. 


First impressions

When you get to the restaurant, you notice that it is very well tucked away. Since the financial district during dinnertime tends to be empty, it's likely that you will start to question whether or not if this restaurant truly exists or if it's a myth. It doesn't help that with the way the entrance is placed on a side street of a side street, it gives it a feel of entering a speakeasy. (Our Uber driver was genuinely worried that we were at the wrong address.)

Tip: The unmarked wooden door is located in an alley with a ramp.

Once you find the door, you walk into a space that deserves the description "cozy elegance." It's like a person who is classy, but approachable. As with most sushi restaurants, there are few seats at the sushi bar where you can watch the magical works of arts produced by the sushi chefs. However, there are plenty of tables for any groups or couples who want their own space. Also, pay close attention to how many panda decor you can find. I felt that these little touches made the restaurant even more welcoming.

The service was phenomenal and servers were knowledgeable. Each entree was explained to us in detail, feedback was requested after every course, and we were treated like royalty. When we couldn't decide on the sake even after the thorough description by the server, she brought us a bit of them to try before committing to a bottle. We ended up choosing Dasai 50 and it was a great choice. 

As we were celebrating a special occasion, we decided to get their omakase ("chef choice" tasting menu). This included 17+ amazing seasonal dishes, most of which were prepared in front of our eyes by the sushi chefs. They also had the option of "Grand omakase," but we decided to try the regular this time. 


Rather than listing out all of the dishes that I got to try, here are the top 3 memorable dishes.

1. Foie gras sushi (nigiri)

Somehow, my favorite dish from the night was not fresh seafood as I had anticipated. Rather, this dish consisted of sushi rice wrapped with seaweed topped with grilled foie gras which is then garnished with cacao pulp. This dish was served with a generous "sip" of a special aged sake.

With its smokiness from the grilled foie gras, slight sweet tanginess from the seasoned sushi rice, and bittersweet flavor from the cacao pulp, this item had well balanced flavors. Also, it provided so many textures which changed over time as I got through the grilled outer layer of foie gras and the chocolate started to melt in my mouth. Rather than taking the flavors away with burning sensation, the sake added another layer of depth to the flavor and mouthfeel. 

2. Bluefin Chutoro

Toro, or tuna belly, is one of the best sashimi, especially if you like fatty, melt-in-your-mouth kind of fish. As someone who loves toro, salmon, and white tuna, a.k.a. all the fatty fish, this was an amazing course. It was served with slivers of Korean long peppers, which added texture and a bit of spice (not much though), and grapefruit ponzu sauce, which provided the tartness and saltiness needed to balance out the fat. 

3. Homemade Fingerling Potato Chip (Nigiri)

Okay, now here is where you are probably wondering what is wrong with me for using 2 non-sushi items on my list when reviewing a sushi restaurant. But, trust me. This was one of the most amazing experiences I've had, especially as someone who has never had slices of truffles before. The fragrance of the slices of Burgundy Truffle reached me before I even picked it up from the plate. It was intoxicating. From the second you get the dish to at least few minutes after you're done chewing it, all you can smell is the truffle. It was incredible. Between the truffle and the perfectly fried chip and the perfectly seasoned sushi rice, this was surprisingly delicious. (Also, that pattern on the truffle is pretty mesmerizing, isn't it?)

Final Thoughts

Even though I didn't get to mention all of my favorite dishes and I ended up listing mostly non-seafood dishes, each and every course (Yellowtail, Salmon, Eel...) was delicious. Also, it was great that the server asked about any of our food allergies and also, allowed us to swap an item or two from the "prix fixe" tasting menu as we desired. Lastly, we got to finish our meal with a complimentary dessert (see below) for our special celebration and a homemade bonbon.

Mochi (glutinous rice) donut with matcha green tea caramel featuring the chef's magical hands in the background

Overall, my experience at O Ya was incredible and I would recommend omakase, or chef's choice menu, to anyone that is adventurous and feels comfortable letting these expert chefs showcase some of their best dishes.